Monday, July 4, 2011

Changes to Priority Processing

The Australian Government prioritises the order in which skilled migration applications are processed, with priority going to those who will bring the most benefit to Australia and are most likely to be successful here. The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship has set new priority processing arrangements for certain skilled migration visas, to come into effect on 1 July 2011. 
For further information about the new priority processing arrangements see:

Changes to Skilled Occupation List

The Skilled Occupation List (SOL) determines which occupations are eligible for independent or unsponsored skilled migration. An updated SOL comes into effect from 1 July 2011, with 13 occupations to be added to the list and 4 occupations to be removed. 
For more information about the updated Skilled Occupation List see:

New Points Test

Effective from 1 July 2011 the new points test has come into effect. The passmark is now 65 points and the "bias" is in favour of high levels of english and high levels of education (degrees rate higher then trades). Easiest way is to set out the email from DIAC in full:

As of 1 July 2011, the following changes to Australia’s skilled migration program have come into effect:
- introduction of a recalibrated points test for certain skilled migration visas, - an updated Skilled Occupation List, - new priority processing arrangements.
Since 2010, the Australian Government has introduced a series of reforms to skilled migration to ensure the program is more responsive to Australian market demand. The following changes outlined above support the strategic reform direction towards a labour-market demand driven program.

**1 July 2011 Points Test**
Australia’s points test is an objective assessment tool used to select skilled migrants with the skills and attributes most needed to contribute to Australia’s future. Information about the 1 July 2011 points test is available on the Department’s website see:
For detailed information outlining transitional arrangements see:
For information about recognition of qualifications and employment in the 1 July 2011 points test
Information about the 1 July 2011 points test has been made available on the Agents Gateway.
Due to a delay in updating the 1 July stack of LEGEND, a copy of PAM 3:Sch6C - General points (General Skilled Migration visas) is being made available on the Agents 

Creative commons attribution for the photograph.