Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Equivalent Terms

Sponsors for 457 visas have an obligation to employ visa holders on "equivalent terms and conditions" to what an Australian doing the same job would receive.

If this condition is not met, apart from sanctions that can be applied by DIBC for non-compliance, the sponsor might end up with an industrial law action on their hands. This is precisely what happened to the franchisors in the following case that was reported in the Sydney Morning Herald.

Details of the sponsors obligations and sanctions can be found on DIBC website.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mongrel Nation

"Mongrel Nation" was a 6 part documentary on ABC Radio National which explored a number of issues about immigration and multiculturalism in Australia, including:
  1. The Asian Century
  2. A Big Australia (about migration and population growth)
  3. Ugly Mongrel - racism and aggressive nationalism
  4. Multiculturalism - the Australian way
  5. The life and times of Australian Multiculturalism
I missed it when it was first aired in August 2013, but caught up with the repeats in January 2014. very worth a couple of hours to listen to it. The program home page (where you can download audio files or read the transcript) is at: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/mongrelnation/

Creative commons acknowledgement for the photograph.