Monday, July 21, 2014

Survived 4020

I have previously blogged about PIC 4020 (providing false information or bogus documents).

I just came across this case in the Migration Review Tribunal where an applicant managed to convince the tribunal that his skills assessment was based on real work experience. It appears that there has been an outbreak of common sense:

Polio Threat

I received this email from DIBP today (if you want more info let me know):

The Department is introducing measures whereby certain visa applicants will be asked to provide polio vaccination certificates. This is in response to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) declaration that wild poliovirus transmission is a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.


If the visa applicant is applying from outside of Australia and has spent a period of 28 days or longer on after 5 May 2014 in Afghanistan, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Israel, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia or Syria, or in any combination of these countries, they should be vaccinated against polio prior to their departure. The visa applicant should provide their current certificate of vaccination against polio. If they are lodging a new application, this should be provided at the time of lodgement