DIAC's accountability to parliament will now be measured against six performance criteria (instead of two as before). The criteria are:
- Contribute to Australia’s future through managed migration. Administer our migration programs to ensure long-term social and economic benefits to Australia, while responding to changing economic circumstances.
- Protect refugees and contribute to humanitarian policy internationally. Uphold Australia’s convention obligations through rigorous assessment of asylum claims against immigration law, and promote the development of innovative and responsive humanitarian policies internationally.
- Contribute to Australia’s security through border management and traveller facilitation. Establish the identity and facilitate the entry of genuine travellers through a layered approach to border management.
- Make fair and reasonable decisions for people entering and leaving Australia—ensuring compliance with Australia’s immigration laws and integrity in decision making. Deliver efficient, fair and reasonable services to our clients, using an evidence and risk-based approach to maintain the integrity of our programs and systems.
- Support migrants and refugees to settle in the community and participate in Australian society. Enrich Australia by creating opportunities for maximum participation in our society and economy through targeted settlement services.
- Promote Australian citizenship and a multicultural Australia. Effectively administer Australia’s citizenship laws, and foster community confidence in the advantages of citizenship and diversity. This includes the development of a new cultural diversity framework built around the concept of social inclusion, civics and social capital.

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