On 1 July 2010 ANZSCO replaced ASCO as the standard that would be used by the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship ("DIAC") to assess and classify occupations for the purpose of immigration to Australia.
Just like ASCO, ANZSCO is available on the
ABS Website.
ANZSCO has a different structure to ASCO which means that there isn't a one to one correlation and this lead to some interesting transitional issues (eg ASCO had one classification for "nurse" but ANZSCO has 10). DIAC have provided on their website a
useful diagram showing the ANZSCO structure.
There shouldn't be too many problems with visa applications that were already lodged before 1 July and there shouldn't be any ANZSCO related issues for applicants who have a skills assessment with an ANZSCO code. However, what happens if someone has an assessment with an ASCO code and wants to lodge a visa application after 1 July 2010? The short answer seems to be that this will be OK provided:
- there is a DIAC approved ASCO-ANZSCO correlation for the occupation;
- the occupation is still on the list of occupations for the visa being applied for; and
- the skills assessment is still valid.
I would have thought 2 and 3 were self explanatory. The correlation tables have been published on the DIAC website (and come from the relevant legislative instrument) for each of:
All that doesn't sound too bad, but I am sure there will be more teething problems.