Just like ASCO, ANZSCO is available on the ABS Website.
ANZSCO has a different structure to ASCO which means that there isn't a one to one correlation and this lead to some interesting transitional issues (eg ASCO had one classification for "nurse" but ANZSCO has 10). DIAC have provided on their website a useful diagram showing the ANZSCO structure.
There shouldn't be too many problems with visa applications that were already lodged before 1 July and there shouldn't be any ANZSCO related issues for applicants who have a skills assessment with an ANZSCO code. However, what happens if someone has an assessment with an ASCO code and wants to lodge a visa application after 1 July 2010? The short answer seems to be that this will be OK provided:
- there is a DIAC approved ASCO-ANZSCO correlation for the occupation;
- the occupation is still on the list of occupations for the visa being applied for; and
- the skills assessment is still valid.
I would have thought 2 and 3 were self explanatory. The correlation tables have been published on the DIAC website (and come from the relevant legislative instrument) for each of:
- General skilled migration (look at schedules 2 and 3 in that document); and
- Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS).
All that doesn't sound too bad, but I am sure there will be more teething problems.
Creative commons attribution for the photograph.
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